Research Topics

According to the best information we currently have, some 85% of the universe is made up from stuff we can not see. This "dark matter" and "dark energy" seems to be governing how galaxies rotate and the way the matter distributed in the universe [1]

Extensions to the standard model of particle ph...

We operate a source of quantum random numbers in our lab. The numbers are generated from the quantum vacuum fluctuations measured using balanced homodyne detection.

To access the random numbers you can use the webpage here. APIs are also available to get live data streams. Read the FAQ for...

The ANU quantum information group have been working on many varied projects. We are a small experimental group led by Syed Assad and Ping Koy Lam. Mostly, we use lasers to create continuous variable quantum states. We then use these states to do fun things. Sometimes, we do random things—like...

Normal, classical optical signals are carried by changing the amplitude of the light and the signal may be detected simply with a photodetector. In this case a piece of paper, or a computer hard-drive could be used to store the information carried on the light. You can use the stored data to drive a...

Light carries momentum. When light is reflected or absorbed, the change in momentum results into the exertion of a pressure on the incident surface, known as radiation pressure. An optical cavity can couple to a mechanical oscillator via radiation pressure force. In recent years, such an optomechani...